Telehealth Consultations

Telehealth Consultations

Telehealth Services

In some circumstances, it may be possible to have a telehealth consultation. In a telehealth consultation, you and a specialist, such as a consultant physician or psychiatrist, undertake a consultation via video conferencing over the internet (i.e., visual and audio). Telehealth aims to remove some of the barriers to accessing medical services for Australians who have difficulty getting to a specialist or live in rural and remote areas.

To take part in a telehealth consultation, you must be referred to a specialist by your GP, and your service must be provided by a specialist, consultant physician, or psychiatrist.

You should discuss the benefits and risks of a video consultation with your doctor.


Vaccinations for adults and children and comprehensive advice regarding vaccinations can be provided by your doctor. In addition, your doctor can provide you with advice when travelling overseas, including what vaccinations are recommended for the destination you are visiting. Full stocks of childhood immunisations are held on the premises so that your child can be immunised at any visit. We also have Diphtheria and Tetanus Toxoid (ADT) available.

Each year, flu vaccine become available around the middle of March. For those who qualify, government vaccinations are free.

A private influenza vaccination costs $25.

If you have any concerns about vaccinations, please contact your doctor.