After Hours & Emergencies

Emergencies and After Hours

Please dial 000 in the event of a serious medical emergency.

If you have a less serious emergency during business hours, please call 5022 1448 to notify Deakin Medical Centre of the situation. You’ll receive advice on what to do.

Please call Deakin Medical Centre at 5022  1448 (24 hours) if you are a patient of one of the doctors who practices here and need urgent after-hours care. Note that the clinic number is the same as this.

The doctors share after-hours care, tending to each other’s patients in case of emergency.
Please be aware that this service is only available to clinic patients whose issues need to be 
addressed that day.

Urgent after-hours care is also available at the Mildura Base Hospital (5022 3333) Emergency Department by resident medical staff who are able to contact your doctor for advice if necessary.

Other options for after-hours care please call  NURSE-ON-CALL – 1300 60 60 24

Please see individual doctor’s websites for billing information for after-hours care